A Painful Process Made Easy
In the event that you need to make a claim, it can be a very difficult time. The Burnett Insurance team specialises in rigorous and detailed follow-through, so that once you’ve made your notification you can put your energy into getting your life back on track.
By following our simple step by step Claims Procedure, you are ensuring that your carefully put together insurance program is working for you, not against you.
Everything online, whenever you need it
Our online resources are available for you at any time of the day or night:
Report a claim: For all General Claims, you can lodge a notification at any time of the day or night, meaning you can get back to concentrating on what matters most. If you send a notification outside of business hours, your Account Manager will contact you on the next business day to start taking care of your claim.
Claims Procedure: Follow this step by step notification procedure in the event that a claim may arise, so that we are notified as early as possible.
For urgent after hours claims assistance Phone:- 07 4182 0222 and leave us a voice message will will be emailed to us.